Just the other day, I was having my usual chat with Kean Lee. This time we were talking about our course mates, what they want to pursue after their A levels.
Whenever one chooses to enter the science stream, their ambition usually don't stray far. They're usually into the medical, research field.
Considering we're both of the science stream, no doubt most of our course mates have similar pathway that they wanted to pursue : medical field. Whenever we ask them what they wanted to study, most will answer Doctor, Dentistry, Pharmacy. These 3 courses seem to be of the most popular choices.
Some who at the beginning wanted to pursue MD, when asked later in the year, they changed their mind to pursuing Dentistry or Pharmacy. Asked them why the change, some said that they didn't want to 'play' with life ; some said that the study period was just too long ; others said Dentistry earns more than a doctor considering the time spent on studies and the working hours.
I'm now talking in the viewpoint of the science stream only. These are my point of views.
There are only a few predictable reasons on why most students decide to pursue a Medical, Dentistry or Pharmacy degree.
1. High pay, good income = good future
2. Status and pride
3. Parents wish of them to pursue this pathway
The title Doctor used to be an honourable and noble one. Like what Kean Lee told me, the world have distorted the main reason of becoming a doctor. The noble reason for one to wanting to be a doctor is for the good cause, wanting to help the sick. But now as the world become more materialistic, more money minded, individual pursue a doctor career is mainly due to the high income that they can get. Its more of a bussiness than a service to help the sick. Doctors are here to help heal the sick, what if the sick can't afford the medication, should doctors ignore them and let them die? Its a very subjective matter as there are many aspect to consider, from cost of the medicine to the equiptment needed to treat the sick.
Of course I'm not saying that those who want to be a doctor, they should go all out, use all their savings to treat the poor. Doctors too need to survive, they need to feed their family. What I meant is their heart, their mindset. What do they want to see? the sick being healed? or short consultation time = more money into their pocket? More community centered or more account centered?
Pharmacist, knowing all sorts of drugs in the market, doesn't really do good. Its scary actually knowing the effects of different chemicals. Anyway, we can't really make the world a better place with more drugs/medicine. Consuming different chemicals, for all we know, we're bringing onto ourselves who knows what kind of long term side effects. Then again, we cannot run away from having to consume chemicals as our world now are made of loads of artificial food filled with preservatives.
Sometimes it does make me wonder what are we after. What make us contented, satisfied. A higher paid job which rob us of our time and youth? or having a happy family with income that can sustain our daily needs will do.