Saturday, April 5, 2008

Strong yet Vulnerable

Horses, stallions, wild stallions. They all are a member of the same family. Such beautiful creatures.

They portray strong, energetic, full with spirit yet graceful.

Love running in the wild, being free, exploring the land and finding new adventures. Horses get restless easily and they can’t stand still, which is why they are constantly moving about, galloping. The freshness of freedom in open space they long for.
Capture them and keep them in a confined area, you will have yourself an angry horse.

Horses portray their strong, dominant side, not their weak. As their weak side shows out, they will feel vulnerable.

But this vulnerability is how they can be tamed. And only tamed by the One.

Horses are very sensitive, short tempered and stubborn.But If they are tamed, how much love and loyalty you show them, they will portray back to you.


Anonymous said...

Are you talking about Sarah? hehehe

Nancy Alexandra said...

Why all the sudden about horses? I found your blog! Don't ask me how i know...a little bird came by to whisper it in my ear. Guess who haha. Anyways, have a good week ahead yea? I know its getting stressful. haha. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

nope nothing to do about sarah...i was refering to myself actually.To me, i jus find it reflecting so much about me.Some negative traits which i have to change.And certain things i do long for but....there's always But's..haha

Anonymous said...

nancy reads your blog but not mine! sob sob. we all need to change don't we. What a better way than to learn from one of God's beautiful creations

Walltalker said...

haha. horses....magnificent creatures they are.........
i wish i was a horse......a racing horse......or maybe a kings horse, used to go to wars.....though that would be gruelsome......but the thought of it sounds cool

Unknown said...

Hi- I don't know who you are, but I'm glad that you like horses so much. However, you are a little misinformed about what horses are really like. For starters, horses, stallions and wild stallions are not part of the same "family", they are the exact same thing. A stallion is not a separate "type" of horse or a different breed, it is simply an uncastrated male horse. Also, horses are very graceful and beautiful, but they do not explore to "find adventure", they roam to find food and survive. Also, they are not constantly galloping around like fools, tht would be a needless waste of energy that would make them vulnerable to predators. Thry are not "restless", they are just alert prey animals who try not to get eaten. Futhermore, while horses do need open space, they do not become "angry" when kept in captivity. And also, your "angry" horse picture is really probably a dressage horse who is showing off by demonstrating the fact that he can do an extended trot with proper balance and neck carriage out in the field. Next time get your facts straight...