Monday, September 15, 2008

Kindness and Love, I will hold on

Was surfing the net, reading blogs, wondering how’s life for others. Then, I came across a friend post, ‘You do me! I do you!’. Seems close to home, so I read on and later came to realize, I’m somewhat like that too. Or should I put it her way of saying ‘justifying my anger’. I don’t know about you guys but I am guilty of being like that, whenever I feel its unfair on my side, I will want to justify it by various ways(obviously not the going to jail type of various ways) and I guess this has cost me a lot.

When she wrote about the church camp message, showing kindness to others, I felt convicted too as it is written :

“Kindness is literally love in action, showing genuine friendship to others by regarding them as important in God’s sight and worthy of dignity and respect. It involves treating others with courtesy, lending encouragement and freely offering yourself or your resources to help a person in need with no strings attached!”

I guess I’m convicted of my own guilt that I ‘choose’ to show kindness at times. How selfish of me, I did learn my lesson in one way or another and I’m sure there are more to learn. Hey, we do stumble right? The most important thing is that we learn from it and I want to change to a better me for the people around me. Only with God’s grace I will be able to do it.

Even though things did not turn out as I thought it would, I will not give up. I will continue to try mending this friendship up. I’ll do it small steps at a time. And I do pray that you will not let it stay and eat you up from the inside like how it did to me but I’ve learned to ‘overcome’ it with the grace of God. And whatever I did wrong previously, I truly am sorry and I forgive you. Continue to ignore me if you want but I will (try) not ignore you.

p.s : If this ever come across your mind, please do know that I’m not trying to get sympathy or what-so-ever from the readers here. Other method doesn’t seem to get respond and I do not know whether it reached you. So I’m openly saying sorry to show that I still treasure this friendship.

Your identity is safe with me, hope that all is well with you and I love you . =)


Anonymous said...

You're forgiven (perasannya)

Haha I know its not for me la haha. Just want to say yeah we all are rather cruel a lot of times.

When we give up our self ambitions, thats when kindness becomes easier in my opinion. Good luck, you're already a sweet girl, a little kindness will bring you so far :)

C-mille said...

Sorry, i didn't noticed there was a comment here until today..hehe..

well yea, i agree with you, when we give up our self ambitions, kindness do become easier. Thanks for your sweet sweet words..hehe..