Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm sorry ( edited)

When people say girls are rather sensitive or maybe overly sensitive….Can’t help but agree I think I am one of them. Different people have different things they are extra sensitive at. As a matter of fact, I know guys too have they sensitive side. When it comes to something we take it really serious and end up being broken up etc, you can’t expect us to forgive just in one day. Maybe some of you can but I can’t especially when its matters to do with the heart.

I’m not writing this to complain about being sensitive/overly sensitive etc. I’m writing this to this special someone, I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done that have hurt you, the way I respond or should I say did not respond. I’m sure both sides have been hurt deeply in different ways and yes, it took me long enough to get over it. And now I realize that I don’t want to lose our friendship, I don’t want to lose a friend as dear as you. Our conversations might not be the same as before but I just hope that you do not ignore me and to say how I regretted that I did somewhat ignore you. I’m sorry. Truly I am sorry…

(edit)..Now, it seems that my dear friend doesn't want to forgive me, what should i do then? Obviously it hurts to know when that someone doesnt want to accept our apologies even when we actually try to apologize. Haih......I really hope that my dear friend would actually try to talk to resolve things,talk it out to settle it and not keeping everything in....................................................................... heart broken................................................................................................................. :'(

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