Saturday, January 24, 2009

Surprise surprisee


Well well, what can i say...I got a pleasant surprise from my fellow classmates on Monday. I definately did not expect anything as I just got to know my classmates for like less than 2 weeks. Before that, a little about SJ10C. My class consist of student's from different places in Malaysia. From KL to Ipoh, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Pahang, and even Sarawak. We're like one big family, we/they welcome any new comer( irrespective of races) and make them feel that they belong . And we always stick together(well most of the time in campus ) especially during lunch time.

Anyway like i was saying earlier, on Monday after I-forgotten-what-lecture, we were all heading for the canteen for lunch. There was this long corridor that we hav to walk to reach the canteen, as we were walking, suddenly my whole class burst out singing ''Happy Birthday'' song not just once but until the corridor ended. I was embarressed and surpriced as well, and i thought that was the end of it but they shared and bought me a present, which i did not expect at all. I was very happy indeed.

* My birthday pressie from SJ10C*

* Tada! its an earring, I know its not so clear but its an eiffel tower earring*

* the content of the birthday card*

My 18th birthday was definately embarressing and full of surprises in different kind of way. Thanks guys for the present!.... hehe

Sunday, January 18, 2009

JANUARY 17 !!!!!

January 17, nothing to shout about as its just like any ordinary day except that it is The day when i was born few/many years ago...xD...hehe.

Well, i started college and now i'm in my 2nd week of class and 1st week of staying in a hostel. I'm currently studying Cambridge A level's in Tar college. yes its far from where i'm staying which is why i resided in the college hostel during the weekdays and go home for the weekend. Its like a new adventure for me, a different experience, an exciting one. Honestly I love it there, as in i don't mind the fact that I have to stay away from home, being in a big campus where I have to walk quite a distance everyday, having high school type classroom. I made new friends, having more responsibility, and new personal commitments. Somehow I feel that I'm in TarC for a purpose, besides studying.

One thing that i like most about staying in the hostel is that there is no distraction like Tv's or computers. =D ...During my stay in the hostel, i didn't thought that i would feel home sick until a friend of mine said i was. And when i actually gave a thought about it, maybe i was feeling home sick in a different way. What different way? Well, I don't like to leave my hostel room after coming back from class, just felt that my hostel room is so very comfy and I don't like eating out for dinner, just can't stand outside food, so I would just find something to eat in the 'bunch' of food that i brought. I guess i just miss the comfy-ness of home and home cooked food. Just for the record, I have a lovely roommate, from Kuching Sarawak. how cool is that..haha...

* The only door to my room*

* My comfy bed*

* Big study tablle*

*Being random*


Since last year when i found out that my birthday falls exactly on a Saturday, i was so excited and wanted to throw a big birthday party but as time grew closer and i started college, i realised i didn't have time to do so and its not necessary. Therefore, when i came back from hostel on friday, all i wanted was a peaceful and quiet time spent with friends and family, without thinking much of celebrating my birthday, i didn't request anything in particular from my parents as they've always been buying and giving my gifts if i may put it that way. I already feel so blessed.

This year's birthday was none like before. Recieved 25++ birthday greetings, Sword Squad sang for me an 'outstandingly' i-do-not-know-how-many-parts birthday song, blew my birthday candle on a slice of cake bought by Szu Li and got embarrased in public coz' Pastor Lim, Joey, Aaron, Szu Li, Sarah, my sis, Nancy and Lionel sang a loud and i mean LOUD birthday song in Mc-D. Everyone in Mc-D was like looking at us!!! And it seems that i literally turned red....haha...All in all, it was a nice way to end/ start my 'new year'. Thank you for that little gesture of taking me out and buying the slice of cake for me. Really enjoyed myself.

* silly milley*

For me, I don't mind Not recieving any presents on my birthday. What I appreciate most is the birthday greetings which my friends made an effort to wish me. For year 2009, I counted, i recieved 25++ birthday greetings and 2 birthday songs were sang for me. To some, recieving 25 birthday greetings might not be many but to me, i really thank them for making the effort to wish me as I didn't expect any birthday greetings from most of them.

* Hazel nut cheese cake...yummm~*

Saturday, January 3, 2009

welcome 2009

I don't wanna grow up!!!!

How I wish that I could just stop time and hide myself in a corner, where I don't have to think about anything or worry about the future and so on....................haih....Its the day again where I don't know why but I suddenly feel like I'm lost and down. A new year has come, its exciting to look forward to it yet its scary at the same time.

What do I really love to do. Its a question which has been in my head for quite some time yet I don't know. It seems like an easy question or maybe to some it IS a simple question but I just can't seem to answer that 'what do I love doing' question.

I'm starting college next week, Monday. I'm glad that I am able to find a college which has an affordable program for me to pursue.

Lots has been going on since the last time i posted an entry. One thing is that I really enjoyed my holiday. Enjoyed the time spent with my friends, cousins, relatives and not to forget my family.

Just couldn't believe how fast time flies. Before I knew it, christmas has past and new year too.

Happy 2009 people! I'm sure it'll be a interesting year.
