Saturday, January 3, 2009

welcome 2009

I don't wanna grow up!!!!

How I wish that I could just stop time and hide myself in a corner, where I don't have to think about anything or worry about the future and so on....................haih....Its the day again where I don't know why but I suddenly feel like I'm lost and down. A new year has come, its exciting to look forward to it yet its scary at the same time.

What do I really love to do. Its a question which has been in my head for quite some time yet I don't know. It seems like an easy question or maybe to some it IS a simple question but I just can't seem to answer that 'what do I love doing' question.

I'm starting college next week, Monday. I'm glad that I am able to find a college which has an affordable program for me to pursue.

Lots has been going on since the last time i posted an entry. One thing is that I really enjoyed my holiday. Enjoyed the time spent with my friends, cousins, relatives and not to forget my family.

Just couldn't believe how fast time flies. Before I knew it, christmas has past and new year too.

Happy 2009 people! I'm sure it'll be a interesting year.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dear !!
Well I felt like that too after my SPM :-) hehe didn't want to grow up, and didn't want to make those life changing decisions , coz I was basically afraid I'd do the wrong thing, or make a bad choice. So I actually learnt to face it, and well you'll do well eventually . Always remember whatever it is, I'm here for you :-), and I had a great time with you too during the hols, though not that frequent, but the time spent was quality time !! Take care and all the best for this new phase of yr precious life !!!
Remember like the movie we watched, whatever it is, " Keep Moving Forward !! "
Love ya lots....muax muax

p/s : Anyone bully you tell me k ?? Haha I have more friends there :-)