Friday, October 24, 2008

more on friends

Like what Sarah commented, one would trust their best friend to share everything with them. To those who have these kind of best friend, i envy them. To have friends like that doesn't seem impossible but to me it somehow does.

Often, we're too busy with our own life, with our own things to go out and catch up with our friends. even most is just the usual 'hi, how are you lately?', ' i'm fine thank you', 'ok, glad to hear that' or another version, 'hi, how are you?, 'i'm not fine thank you', 'why? whats bothering you?', 'nah, its nothing'. and the conversation usually ends there. why? coz' when others don't want to open up, we can't force them to. in other words, 'ok, since he/she doesn't want to talk, then might as well leave her alone'.

i'm blank now........i tend to post what i feel and what i'm able to capture in my mind. the longer i think of what to write, i'll go blank, like now. Do you think i'm rash to do this?...anyway, will see what i can add to this entry post in coming time. Do comment if you have any. =)


Nancy Alexandra said...

Friends, well what can I say about them? Firstly, where do I even start?! Haha, they say that "One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible" - Henry B Adams.

It DOES feel that way doesn't it? That when we stop to take a quick look into our lives, we see that the frame is in fact prettier than the picture we actually took time to paint. Its a metaphore. So basically it means that we just look at our lives at a pretty picture and frame it up nicely so no one knows that we are in fact bleeding inside.

Reading your recent posts, I get the feeling that you've been hurt by a dear friend. And I would like to apologize for not being there. But thats what we're always struggling with I guess. The thought of just being alone, with no one to talk to. And then we see how happy the others around us are, and think that no one cares, everyone is happy with their own lives, that no one will even bother to stop and ask if we are ok. But the truth of the fact is that everyone is silently bleeding inside, its whether we choose to show it or not.

A friend can't always be there when we're in need. We are after all only humans. The ability to be in many places at once only belongs to God. But I believe that when the time is right, God will send someone to you. To listen and just be there with you through the difficult time periods. Indeed, trust is something that is NEVER easy to come by. I have trust issues. Major ones. Yeesh I can't even trust my own brother! However, trust is to be gained. And if that someone is willing to be there with you and help you through the difficult stages then it shows that they are willing to trust and help you, even if you can't very much trust them yet.

Sorry for writing such a long long comment you must squint and read. BUAHAHAHAHA. Neways, I know all that I have said may have never at all answered your questions whatsoever, but that was not my purpose. My purpose was to tell you that we all need each other one way or another. You're my sister in Christ and though I can't always be there, God can. I can't always offer to be there for you, but I will do what I know best. That is pray. I know it probably isn't very comforting for me to say "Just call me when you need someone to talk to." Because face it, the truth is, we all say that to others but when the time comes when we need someone, we're just too afraid to call up anyone and just talk. Hehe.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to you when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

C-mille said...

Hey dear, thanks for leaving your comment, it definately felt great that there's someone out there who understands.

No dear, i've not been hurt by any friends recently. Its just the past is hanging on to me, I guess just can't seem to forget. which is why I wouldn't allow anyone to come too close to ever hurt me again.

Well, i guess its true that the fact is everyone is silently bleeding inside, its just us building up a wall so that others won't notice. So in other words, its practically our own fault for pushing people aside from coming close. =/

A friend once told me, its a fish eat fish world out there, people can't be bothered about how you feel or have been hurt. So its either we choose to sulk and cry that no one cares or learn how not to rely on others to care for you.

Nancy Alexandra said...

We all hurt but just because the world doesn't care, does not mean that you have loved ones around you don't care. We all care for each other in our own ways. We all show love differently. But nonetheless, we love, even if it hurts, and we care because we love.
Dear sister, the world can never be bothered to care about how you are doing, but you always have people around you that are willing to help and who care for you because they love you.