Saturday, March 13, 2010


Sometimes we're just so afraid what others might think of when they know that we're in a relationship with someone. When the phrase 'we're in love' is being used, people will often squint their eyes and ask'' what do you mean by in love?' 'are you really in love or isit just a moment of feeling happy and good being around with this somebody?' It is normal that when statement is being said, people will have questions flooding their head, wondering what makes you say so, why are you so sure that you're in love instead of just an infatuation? etc. Considering that people nowadays tend to abuse the word 'love'.

Adults especially our parents will usually be sceptical and thinks that young adults are incapable of juggling relationships and studies at the same time thus concluding to us that it is just not the right time to get into a relationship. So when is the right time to get into a relationship? After SPM? When we're in university? or after we've gotten a stable job and able to support ourselves then only we should start looking for our life partners?

I am not saying that all young adults are able to handle both relationship and studies at the same time but if we do not get into a relationship, experience the little cuts and bruises of loving someone, how are we to grow emotionally, mentally or grow in maturity? Telling us that it is not the right time isn't gonna help either. It will just leave us feeling unfair and even after we do get into a relationship, it is not easy to open up to our parents as deep inside, we do still want our parents support and advices to these matters of the heart.

Being in a relationship can either build you or break you at a certain point of time. When both are lovey-dovey, happily in each others arms, one will be glad that they have each other and often seem to think that 'they're made for each other'. However when the road gets bumpy, things doesn't seem to go well and characters starts to show, those who cannot endure and cannot take it will choose the easy way out which is the breakup. If life were that easy, which is to get into a relationship just because we get along well and have alot in common and breakup just as easily because of an argument or problem that arises and can't be solved , then where would commitment stand in and where would love fit in?

Being in a relationship,getting a life partner is not just having all the good times, its not just loving one another by holding hands, embracing but It is the beauty and the bumpy roads that strengthens the relationship. Getting through hard times and overcoming problems together, looking out for one another, enjoying everything that is done together, those are the memories that cannot be bought and erase just as it is.

People always say that love makes one blind, love makes you go 'cloud nine'.
Love makes the world seems like a better place.

Do share your thoughts if you have any. =D


Unknown said...

what's love??

i wondered that myself....
to be honest, i had feeling for a few people over the one and a half years i spent college...

nothing came out of it... mainly because i was afraid or perhaps shy to share my feelings... but i am good friends with all those people.

i know they say love is blinding... but that is why we have the Holy Spirit to watch out for us... and God to hold our hand..

relationships are wonderful... it is a level of friendship where you can really open your heart to the other person.... to share things no one knows about...

i have learnt one thing about relationships... it is a triangle.
there is God, me and my partner...

God is at the top of the triangle while me and my partner are at the bottom sides...

so the closer we move towards God, the closer we draw to each other..

but if we move away from God... we draw away from each other...

C-mille said...

''....relationships... it is a triangle.
there is God, me and my partner...

God is at the top of the triangle while me and my partner are at the bottom sides...

so the closer we move towards God, the closer we draw to each other..

but if we move away from God... we draw away from each other... ''

ahh~ i never really looked at it that way but it is an interesting depiction.

I believe God has His plans, plans of the things that happens, plans for bringing some1 into our life.

hope that all goes well for you and me in whatever we do and knowing that God is always with us.