Saturday, April 3, 2010

Me no Stable...

Hi people!

I actually finished my trials on the 31st of March and I really did want to update asap, infact I wanted to update on Friday at least but on Friday, Bloggers gave me a hard time. I couldn't sign in! They said I had an error and for which a computer noob like me would not know what to do, so I just shut down my computer and hope that it'll work the next day and what do ya know, It worked!

So how was trials? It was face smacking, head bangingly TOUGH. Honestly I do not know what to say to people whenever they ask me about my studies. "Ok.. I'm tryinng my best to do well..pushing hard..." Always giving the same answer. And how much can people say? " Ah, don't worry, you'll do fine. ' I'm sure it'll be alright.''

Everyone need encouragements and even more at certain point of time. I certainly am one of those who needs encouragement and not being pushed or given the reverse phsycology game.

I know I have to study harder and smarter. I know time is not on my side knowing that my finals is in 5 weeks time. I know I have to put in 10 hours of studies if i have to. I know I need to be aggresive and take all the opportunity that i have. I know I must start taking initiatives. I know.......

What is the point of gaining everything in the world and loosing my own soul?

What is the point of focusing all your years in climbing the corporate world to become a CEO and end up looking back and realise that you did not do anything at all.

What is the point of pursueing your career and neglect your family. when you finally realise it, its too late.

Whats the point of studying so hard??? just to get that qualification to be able to get the scholarship? to be able to go to desired, top Universities?

I do not want to lose myself! Lose the one I love!


Sometimes I just keep quiet is not because I got nothing to say. Some things I do not say because you are you.


Tommorow is EASTER.

John 3 :16 - For God so love the world that He gave His only beloved son that whomsoever believe in Him will not perish and have eternal life.

I hate myself for forgetting Easter. I hate myself for being so absorbed into my studies and all I know is to study. I hate myself for neglecting Him...


I do know that not everybody has the gift to encourage as the same to not everybody have that gift to console someone. I know I don't..


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